Data Exploration

Datasplash offers a fast, secure, and portable way to explore data anywhere in seconds.

explore an example
  • Mask

    Spreadsheet or Enter Data

  • barchart

    Discover and Disseminate Patterns

  • save

    Information and Results Securely

  • share

    and Easily

Easy-to-use Data Visualization and Statistics

Discover patterns in a data set quickly, easily and securely

  • icon
    Visual Data

    Discover and disseminate salient and significant patterns in your data

  • desktop
    Simple Usage

    Use Datasplash quickly, easily, and securely -- without downloading and installing software

  • barchart
    Readable Charts

    Easily digest information without learning complicated commands or remembering arcane technical terms

  • icon
    Share Your Data

    Share your data publicly and track how users are exploring it

  • secure/lock
    Securely Save Data

    Save your charts securely and instantly with just one click

  • laptop
    Present Information

    We offer two views, light and dark mode, to present your data clearly

Quick and Easy Charting Process

Simple steps to creating your charts.

  • Card upload

    Upload and Customize Data

    Our quick and easy uploading process instantly produces calculations and converts your spreadsheet directly into a visual chart or image

  • Card visualize

    Visualize Charts

    Make the most of your data as it becomes a visual chart or image without any extra work for easy interpretation and readability

  • Card save

    Share and Save

    Easily share and save with a click of a button for easy presentation and future access to your loaded data

Datasplash Advantages

  • Easy-to-use
  • Secure

No software to download, install, and update, no complicated commands to learn and remember, no barriers to inhibit research and analysis, no opaque statistics jargon to master, no proprietary file formats to convert


Just upload your spreadsheet or enter your data from scratch. Then watch how Datasplash instantly calculates key statistics and creates powerful graphs and tables.


Whenever you create an account with Datasplash, we ensure that upon activation that your data becomes secure and accessible by only the people you wish to share it with.

Enterprise Access

For enterprise customers, you can publicly share your data, or keep it within your organization by simply making your data private.

quotes Created with Sketch.
This is a really cool way for students to start using data in their homework and term papers. I am really code-challenged and it takes me a long time to work with anything new in statistics. So I really love it. Would have been great to have it when I was starting out as a student!
Line Created with Sketch.

Shruti Rajagopalan

Assistant Professor of Economics

Purchase College, State University of New York


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